Helping you and your people
grow and experience
meaningful success


Positive ripples effects with human-centric solutons


Who we are

Partners in crime and expert professionals, setting a benchmark in the world of individual and organizational coaching psychology, and performance enhancement. Our passion, mission and immersive attitude drives us to help people and organizations create success.

We are a group of dedicated experts in psychology and coaching. Our team aims to set a benchmark in the world of individual and organizational psychology, coaching and performance management. The passion, mission, and immersive attitude we share are personal, and so is our delivery of services to high-potentials and high-performers.

What we do

Companies, leaders, entrepreneurs, and ambitious individuals across fields hire us to help them grow beyond the numbers. We coach, train, and consult our clients. This transforms their thinking, the way they feel, and ultimately the way they show up in business and outside. Our solutions are always tailored and specifically developed in alignment with your best interest.
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Consider this

65% of start-ups fail due to human -
centric issues.
Conflicts, misaligned values, and burnouts are difficult, yet essential territory to roam and master.
We increase the probability of success.
Harvard Business School Research
Executives significantly overestimate their abilities to grow the potential of their people, rating themselves as above average while employees rank them at the bottom.
We help you align perceptions to skills.
Goleman's Research & HBR
100% of VCs use gut-feeling about people in their decision-
making models, having predictions that are not only unreliable but often wrong.
We can help you improve your processes and do things better.
Stanford University

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ICF Chapter Bulgaria

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Quick reads made for you

Did we go too far in making people comfortable at work, and is this now affecting productivity, expectations, resilience, and stamina?
July 1, 2024

How comfortable are you at work? While modern workplaces have evolved to prioritize employee comfort, excessive comfort can stifle ambition and innovation. Historically, workspaces have shifted from rigid to flexible, enhancing work-life balance but also raising concerns about complacency. Over-prioritizing comfort may lead to stagnation, lack of critical thinking, and resistance to change. How can we achieve healthy balance between comfort and ambition for growth?

The Meaning of Life in 21st Century: A Modern Exploration of Timeless Philosophies
May 27, 2024

Explore timeless wisdom on finding life's meaning amidst the chaos of modern living. Dive into Viktor Frankl's profound insights and discover practical ways to uncover your unique purpose. Join us on a journey to a more fulfilled and purposeful existence.

A Highway to High-performance? Holistic Health!
May 3, 2024

We are exploring the importance of a holistic health approach, featuring insights from specialists Elena Khodakovskaya and Galia Houbanova. They emphasize integrating mental, physical, and spiritual well-being to achieve overall health. Key topics include the interconnectedness of mind and body, personalized health strategies, and the impact of neglecting holistic health. Practical tips such as starting with simple lifestyle changes and fostering a supportive community are highlighted, advocating for a comprehensive perspective on maintaining and enhancing health.

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Grow yourself and your endeavours.
Today is the day to build yourself up. We will support and guide your progress, staying side by side through the challenges, helping you achieve your most valuable goals.
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