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Did we go too far in making people comfortable at work, and is this now affecting productivity, expectations, resilience, and stamina?
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The Meaning of Life in 21st Century: A Modern Exploration of Timeless Philosophies
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A Highway to High-performance? Holistic Health!
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Revolutionize Your Business Behaviour: Unveiling 3 Powerful Sociological Tactics Employed by Experts
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Thriving in Flux: A Journey to a Life Defined by Flexibility and Adaptability
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The Complex Relationship Between Gratitude and Authenticity in Modern Life
Did we go too far in making people comfortable at work, and is this now affecting productivity, expectations, resilience, and stamina?
July 1, 2024
How comfortable are you at work? While modern workplaces have evolved to prioritize employee comfort, excessive comfort can stifle ambition and innovation. Historically, workspaces have shifted from rigid to flexible, enhancing work-life balance but also raising concerns about complacency. Over-prioritizing comfort may lead to stagnation, lack of critical thinking, and resistance to change. How can we achieve healthy balance between comfort and ambition for growth?
The Meaning of Life in 21st Century: A Modern Exploration of Timeless Philosophies
May 26, 2024
Explore timeless wisdom on finding life's meaning amidst the chaos of modern living. Dive into Viktor Frankl's profound insights and discover practical ways to uncover your unique purpose. Join us on a journey to a more fulfilled and purposeful existence.
A Highway to High-performance? Holistic Health!
May 2, 2024
We are exploring the importance of a holistic health approach, featuring insights from specialists Elena Khodakovskaya and Galia Houbanova. They emphasize integrating mental, physical, and spiritual well-being to achieve overall health. Key topics include the interconnectedness of mind and body, personalized health strategies, and the impact of neglecting holistic health. Practical tips such as starting with simple lifestyle changes and fostering a supportive community are highlighted, advocating for a comprehensive perspective on maintaining and enhancing health.
Revolutionize Your Business Behaviour: Unveiling 3 Powerful Sociological Tactics Employed by Experts
February 29, 2024
When looking for personal and career growth, "going back to basics", particularly scientific basics, is a sure win. This article invites you to enter the world of sociology and create success through three expert-level strategies that promise to elevate your business moves to new heights. From effective labeling techniques to the power of diversity, these insights will reshape and strengthen your existing approaches toward greater achievements.
Thriving in Flux: A Journey to a Life Defined by Flexibility and Adaptability
December 19, 2023
Embark on a captivating journey through the twists and turns of life with Elena Khodakivskaya, a woman of multifaceted roles, including a PCC-level coach, serial entrepreneur, mother, and more. In this interview, Elena shares insights into the transformative power of flexibility and adaptability. The goal is not to reiterate clichés but to explore the tangible reality behind these concepts, recognizing them not merely as buzzwords but as essential life skills.
The Complex Relationship Between Gratitude and Authenticity in Modern Life
November 21, 2023
As Thanksgiving approaches, we propose the radical idea of allowing ourselves to feel anger, discontent, unproductivity, and loss. A rather short but honest take on what gratitude looks like in the context of the lovely high-performers we work with.
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Today is the day to build yourself up. We will support and guide your progress, staying side by side through the challenges, helping you achieve your most valuable goals.
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