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Our Blogposts

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Did we go too far in making people comfortable at work, and is this now affecting productivity, expectations, resilience, and stamina?
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The Meaning of Life in 21st Century: A Modern Exploration of Timeless Philosophies
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A Highway to High-performance? Holistic Health!
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Revolutionize Your Business Behaviour: Unveiling 3 Powerful Sociological Tactics Employed by Experts
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Thriving in Flux: A Journey to a Life Defined by Flexibility and Adaptability
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The Complex Relationship Between Gratitude and Authenticity in Modern Life
10 Trends of digitalisation in personal development by 2025
September 26, 2023
Where do you position yourself in your personal relationship with digitalization and human connection? How about the integration of AI and ML in the realms of personal development and mental health? Discover valuable insights into these questions and a comparison between authentic thoughts and ChatGPT-generated ones within this piece. It serves as an enlightening read for both professionals and coaching clients, offering a source of optimism and equipping you to seize the upcoming opportunities to their fullest potential.
Rejection? Time to Reframe It & Use it Better.
May 23, 2023
Rejection is part of life. Few of our high-performing readers would disagree. Unpleasant, frustrating, unfair perhaps - it remains that "necessary evil" that we can all live without, but are somehow never able to eradicate from our existence. Reframe it! That's what Yanko Boev offers you in this very personal blog post. A clear vision could help but what else...? Read to find out.
The next level of developmental opportunities at work.
April 27, 2023
How do we approach adult development and learning at work in a way that produces results from a business as well as an employee perspective? This article provides food for thought, stats, and a suggestion from a real-life example. At the core of it is the idea of personalized, tailored experiences in bulk. How...?
When business is not always just business. Interview with ILC's founder Valentina Dolmova
March 20, 2023
"A business has to be about money at the end of the day. Otherwise, it's just a hobby...". What happens when it's much more than that and why do some people invest their souls as well as their financials in a venture? Meet Valentina Dolmova - the founder of ILC International. A business for individual and business coaching that has a deeper agenda than it may seem at first glance. Let's talk about the "broken healers" and entrepreneurs that go above and beyond in their missions.
February 17, 2023
"We learn from our mistakes but we can learn, even faster, from other people's mistakes". A saying, familiar to many. We put it into practice. This article is for grown-up kids. It will inspire you. It will remind you and encourage you. Age is a number. Fun is in the learning. We offer you six lessons on how to embrace the newness around you with more ease. And yes, we hope you laugh a bit.
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Today is the day to build yourself up. We will support and guide your progress, staying side by side through the challenges, helping you achieve your most valuable goals.
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